0.5.6 - Hotfix

  • Changed Kevin room schedule week 4 (away at night, randomised during day, giving a minimum of 5, max 10 opportunities to practice dancing in your room).
  • Added ability to practice dancing at the nightclub.
  • Switched Jennifer "angry" and "very angry" art in drawn art, so she doesn't look quite as crazy sometimes!
  • Fixed bug where Drawn Art toggle in settings wasn't showing on/off based on previous selections.
  • Fixed bug where talking to Jennifer in cafeteria might trigger certain quest scenes if on Jennifer route.
  • Janitor job: increased chance of random loot drop.
  • Fixed Heather stealing extra femme clothes issue on her visit to your dorm.
  • Fixed boymode issue, where the Get Dressed (Boymode) button wouldn't always work later in the game, if the player had more items in closet.
  • Fixed issue where the dancing movies wouldn't play again after completing once through.
  • Cut the lines of dialogue (SFX) from the prologue